How SEO Works?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of increasing the organic (natural) visibility or ranking of a Website in a search engine using a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics. SEO considers how search engines work, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience.

There are two main components of Search Engine Optimization (SEO); on-page SEO and off-page SEO. Also called on-site SEO, on-page SEO consists of techniques that are used on Websites to make them more search engine friendly. Technical aspects of on-site include word selection and usage, proper titles, good descriptions, proper formatting, correct use of styles and images, use of an SSL certificate and much more. Also critical to the on-page SEO process is high quality information and other written content. This content can be in the form of detailed product descriptions, general information regarding your industry or other information that would be peripherally related, but still valuable. In addition, pictures, infographics and other images, and video content can also significantly contribute to favorable SEO rankings.

Off-site Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essentially any time your company is mentioned, cited or linked to from another website. This can be from sources like blogs, directories or review sites, news sites, or social media sites. Off-page SEO is critical because Google and other search engines consider any time your company is mentioned or linked to by a third party to be an indication that your company is doing a good job and may be a leader in its respective field. This adds to your company’s (and to your website’s) credibility and increases trust in the eyes of search engines. And more trust almost always results to higher search engine rankings.


SEO or Search engine optimization consistently provides one of the best, if not the best return on investment (ROI) of any type of marketing. Organic searches are typically the highest intent prospects. This means serious shoppers, looking to buy. This is largely because consumers typically realize that pay per click (PPC) results are advertisements. And that if a company’s website is highly ranked in organic search results, that the company is most likely well established, with a significant amount of value to offer.

And while there are times where a well-designed and implemented PPC (pay per click) campaign is appropriate, SEO is always essential for the health and profitability of your business. After all, the primary goal of SEO is making your website easier to find by your prospective customers.

Every website absolutely needs SEO. This is due to the fact that without SEO your website is essentially invisible. And what good is a website if potential customers that are looking for your product or service can’t find you?

Remember, there’s a good chance they can already find your competitors!

If you need any further evidence as to the importance of SEO check out this graph below:


SEO Facts

Here are some Important facts regarding SEO:

91% of adults use search engines to find information on the web. (1)

The first five organic search results receive over 75% of the traffic. (2)

SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7% close rate. (3)

79% of search engine users say they always/frequently click on the natural search results. In contrast, 80% of search engine users say they occasionally/rarely/never click on the sponsored search results. (3)

Marketers see SEO as becoming more effective, with 82% reporting effectiveness is on the rise and 42% of this group stating effectiveness is increasing significantly. (4)

(1) Source: Pew Research
(2) Source: Chitika
(3) Source: Search Engine Journal
(4) Source: Marketing Dive

Why Use an SEO Agency

The SEO process for a website is simple in concept. But actually, quite difficult to properly execute. There are a number of reasons for this. Some are as follows:

It’s a Moving Target – Google being the major search engine, with over 70% of search engine market, is obviously the most important search engine to achieve high ranking on. However, most people don’t realize that Google makes frequent updates to the rules, and to the search algorithm. This is one of the many reasons SEO requires an expert. A professional who tracks and quickly responds and to these changes.

It Takes a Lot of Time – Our least expensive SEO package requires an average of 16 hours per month of time to implement. Every month.

It Requires Expertise – Our SEO experts have an average of over six years experience. In most cases, it’s all they do. And without exception, they are experts in the field of SEO. And it seems like they still learn something new almost every day.

It’s an Ongoing Process – This, coupled with the fact that Google changes SEO rules and search algorithms on a regular basis, makes SEO a continuing process. And if it’s stopped, those rankings that took time to achieve will go away. And your website will be ranked lower than your competitors again.

The tools are expensive – There are dozens of SEO tools available to help perform the tasks requires to properly implement an SEO campaign. While some are free, the most effective tools require a monthly subscription to use them. The cost of these tools are in many cases more expensive than the cost of paying a professional SEO agency for your company’s SEO. The system works because the tools can generally be used for many accounts, so the SEO agency can spread the cost out over their entire client base.

It’s Constantly Changing and Evolving – In addition to Google rule and algorithm changes, there are shifts in user behavior due largely to technology. One such change is the adoption of mobile search. Searches from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets now account for over 50% of all searches And it’s clear that mobile searches are a trend that is going to continue to increase. Another example of a change is voice searches, from sources like Amazon Alexa and Google Voice Search.

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Evans House

Evans House is a serial entrepreneur with a strong background in sales and both conventional and digital marketing. He has direct marketing experience in a number of industries including entertainment, real estate, automotive, insurance, lead generation and telecom. He founded NewStar SEO because he saw a need for more effective ways to generate leads and new business for small and medium size local businesses.

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